Today we started to work out  how the group scenes work. We have several times in this show when all six characters are on stage trying to get their needs met. Fun!  Hard!  (especially when working so fast….. we are trying to sketch in the whole play this week so we can get a sense of the rhythm of the whole piece by Monday for the open rehearsal.)

Lots, lots of little line changes . (Jenny!)

We made a dent today on how sound might work in the show. Talk with Kamala and Matt on when the big sound bed shifts occur – and what Leda (Okwui) does to cause those shifts. Matt implementing lots of fun, little q’s throughout the day. Kamala off composing some of the new ideas……

Trying to figure out with Tal and Jenny about if its ok for Josh (Stephen) to be a video artist or if its better if he’s a photographer — what are the repercussions of him shooting video of Leda and projecting that for the audience to see—— what do we gain, what do we lose? thinking overnight and will reconvene in the am …